Dental Hygienist, Forensic Consultant DeCo Education & Consulting San Diego, California, United States
Amber D. Riley, RDH, MS, FAAFS, FIACME, CMCPS: No financial relationships to disclose
Medically compromised patients—those with diseases like cancer, lifestyle-associated factors like obesity, or common-but-often-underestimated abnormal physical conditions—demand a sharpened focus during our treatment planning, delivery of care, and periodontal maintenance in general dentistry. With this Presentation, you will gain insight into medicine and pharmacotherapies, learn to deduce findings from patient medical histories, and understand how to collaborate with patients’ medical providers to provide optimal dental care.
Learning Objectives:
Learn the drug interactions that are significant to general dentistry
Get an up-to-date, concise review of common medical disorders that are encountered within general dentistry
Understand basic epidemiology and pathophysiology, signs/symptoms for common conditions, and specific dental management recommendations