Dental Hygienist, Forensic Consultant DeCo Education & Consulting San Diego, California, United States
Amber D. Riley, RDH, MS, FAAFS, FIACME, CMCPS: No financial relationships to disclose
In this Presentation, we will take a look at the some of the work within the scope of forensic odontology. You will go through a step-by-step exploration of a comprehensive dental autopsy, including physical examination, photography, and radiography. We will review forensic evidence management needs of varying postmortem states, including skeletonized, fragmented, decomposed, and burned. Modern missing person investigation methods and multiple fatality incident management systems will also be covered.
Learning Objectives:
Improve appreciation for the forensic value of accurate dental records
Recognize ways to cooperate with the legal system
Learn about NamUS, the national database repository for missing, unidentified, and unclaimed persons